The 60 for 60 Campaign
This year marks the 60th Anniversary of DSF! One way we are celebrating the anniversary is with the #60for60 campaign!
About The Campaign:
DSF has supported hundreds of students in their theological formation. After 60 years, this mission continues! DSF is launching an anniversary fundraising campaign: $60 for 60 years (aka 60 for 60)! The money raised will be used to create a special 60th Anniversary Fund that will support ministry, education, and services that advance ministerial leadership and fulfilling the mission of DSF.
Our Goal is to raise $60,000 through one-time donations and pledges by the end of 2020!
You are invited to donate $6, $60, $600, $6,000, or any amount you want! There are lots of ways to pledge so that you can find something that works for you. For example, you can make a donation today, but you can also pledge $60 a month, quarterly, or annually for the next three years.
We would love for you to be part of this special giving opportunity!
UPDATE 3/19/2021: “We are so deeply grateful and excited by this overwhelming support. Ongoing gifts to this fund will broaden our opportunity to support expanded enrichment, educational, or service-oriented opportunities for our students, alumni, and local pastors.”
- Rev. Belva Brown Jordan

$70,779 raised of our $60,000 Goal!

A word from Renae Earl, DSF M.Div. student, Baptist Seminary of the West
"Saying yes to God's call to ministry can be scary, a real fear-inducing thought. Where and what is God calling me to? The gift here is a deeply rooted, Christ-centered support system. DSF walks with students who are on a journey to follow their call and discover their call’s purpose. DSF supports you, encourages you, and walks alongside you. Even during those times when it seems too much for you alone, there is always someone from DSF. That is the power and love of God who has called you.
I am Renae Earl, a grateful seminarian who is being supported by DSF in the CCNC-N Region. I never imagined being in seminary or having the beautiful people at DSF to walk with me through the process. What a gift it is. My personal call is to minister to female identified survivors of sex trafficking who may/may not have substance disorder/addiction issues, so that they may find peace, recovery, and a rejuvenation of their soul on their journey of healing.
May God bless and keep each and every one of you."

A word from Rev. Lori Tapia, National Pastor for Hispanic Ministries
"There are not enough words to express my gratitude for Disciples Seminary Foundation and the countless ways I felt held, covered, cared for, nurtured and supported during my time as a seminary student. I was working full time as an executive in a non-profit organization, pastoring full time and studying full time through the first year and a half. DSF understood the dynamics in my life and found creative ways to keep me engaged in student life and worked intentionally to keep me connected as a hybrid student at CST. There is something embedded in the DSF culture that embraces each student from within their own context and culture and this is a true gift. Students represent diverse backgrounds and beliefs and this culture intentionally support students to be who they are authentically without the need to assimilate into some dominant culture. As a Hispanic female pastor this was critical for me and helped me to continue to walk in my call without compromise and know that I was loved, appreciated, and supported along the way. I will be forever grateful to the generous supporters and donors of DSF for they enabled me to answer my call to seminary through providing financial support. I don’t know that I could have done it without it. On graduation day I was honored to receive the Disciples Seminary Foundation Award as this was simply a reflection of the job well done by DSF in instilling in me the DSF values of innovation, collaboration and integrity. I am DSF!"
Use this form to make a pledge or donate today!
A. Single Donation: If you want to make a single donation, click "make a single gift" button and follow prompts.
B. Make A Pledge with Payments:
Select the total amount you want to pledge to give
Select how often (monthly, quarterly, or annually), you want to make payments (please limit to 36 months, 12 quarters or 3 years)
Your payment will be automatically calculated
Follow prompts to fill out the rest of the form and enter payment information

A word from Mary Anne and Rod Parrott
"It seems to us that 'continuity and change' has been DSF’s historical rhythm. In our 36 years at DSF, we were part of decision-making that maintained DSF’s original purpose of serving education and leadership needs of the church. Change, which was practically constant, was necessitated by challenges and opportunities in the church, culture, technology, institutional and denominational partnerships, and other forces.
We continue to support DSF because of its importance in our personal lives, its continuing fulfillment of its mission, and its ability to change to meet those new challenges and opportunities.”